2014. április 27., vasárnap

Attack on Titan

just started to watch Attack on Titan (Singeki no kjodzsin). I just can't recommend this to everyone enough.

2014. április 25., péntek

Misty Conditions - Dank

Disclosure - Apollo

Hyperboloid Records - #INTERNETGHETTO #RUSSIA

"Today, Russian label Hyperboloid drops its first vinyl release in the form of the 20-track #INTERNETGHETTO #RUSSIA compilation, and here we have label co-head Pixelord's contribution to that collection. Filled with a broad range of oddball 8-bit sounds and cartoony FX, "Shuffleclub" is a playful and imaginative club track, and one that never seems to take itself too seriously. Featuring buoyant percussion and vibrant vocal snippets, Pixelord keeps his production fresh and entertaining with an ever-changing gallery of absurd sonics."

 this is definitely the hottest shit on the internet! lordy!

2014. április 16., szerda

2014. április 3., csütörtök